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When I was born, who would have imagined where I am today?  My dance teacher, Michelle, has always called me “a miracle”.  Why?  I was adopted from Cambodia by my parents and moved to Livingston at the age of three.  I started dance the same year, and even though I was very shy in the beginning, being at Studio C every week turned on a light inside of me that helped transform my personality into what it is today.  

I have danced for 14 years and have taken classes at Studio C and also with Jenny at The Dance Studio in Onalaska.  My favorite is tap because it helps me express my feelings, and I love the sounds it makes.  To me, tap seems to have a happy vibe, and that's who I am. 

Along with loving to dance, my parents instilled in me a desire to stay involved in church.  I have since I was adopted.  Because of that, I love doing bible devotionals and helping others learn about God.  I am a follower of Christ and member of the Church of Christ of Livingston and was voted Best Girl Camper in 2020 at Camp Red Oak Springs, a Christian Summer Camp.  I have been on the Sea Lions Swim Team for 12 years and at the age of eight started qualifying for invitationals.  I competed in UIL Prose each year in high school, was Miss Photogenic in the Junior Miss Polk County Pageant, an officer of the American Sign Language Club, and a class officer. 

I graduated from high school in 2020,  finished Tyler Junior College in May of 2022, and will transfer to the University of Texas in Tyler and major in Kinesiology to become an Occupational Therapist.


To end, I would like to share something with the girls of Studio C:

When I was little, I wanted to be like everyone else.  DON'T DO THAT.  Know how truly special you are.  We all have beautiful stories to tell, and there are so many people who will feel encouraged and inspired by your words and actions.  Show others the light inside of you.  SHINE-ON, don't forget to dance your heart out, and never forget that #goodgirlsalwayswin.

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